Happy Sunday!
I feel like this blogpost will go well with my Soul Whisper (eh, I am going all in with this one in 2019!). I will be sharing 10 things about me. You might or might not know that about who I am, I am curious to know how many you are actually aware of 😉
Okay… here goes:
10 things about me:
- I got my first tattoo when I was 16 years old. My Mom gave her consent after I went ballistic about it for more than two years. And she was in the room, bombarding the artist about hygiene question, the whole process. I now have seven tattoos. It is not the end of it though!
- I got married at 19 years old. My husband actually proposed to me after 2 weeks of being together, but he officially asked my Mom after that. We are still much in love after nearly 16 years together.
- I started my studies to become a psychoanalyst, to be a cooking chef, to be a French ASL teacher and a French/English translator. I finished none of those. That’s my one regret in life.
- I suffer from misophonia. The fact that there is a name for that shitty thing that put my Mom and me in many fights over shared meals proved I was not crazy…
- I started art journaling in 2008 and mixed media around 2009. But first, I was creating home décor with collage and textured stuff.
- I was raised Catholic, went to Bible studies and got as far as the Confession. But a major life event threw me off the Catholic wagon. Then, I turned to Buddhism, and I discovered Wicca when I was around 12 and it shifted my perspective on life and on Humanity. I used to hide it from my Mom but once she knew, she was cool with it as long as I drew protection before every magical action. I created a forum dedicated to white magic that became quite big in the francophone community. Now, I am not a Wiccan but a regular Witch with a belief system of her own…
- Dirty under nails gross me out. I am a messy mixed media artist, so…
- I am obsessed with the Moon and anything happening in the Sky and outside of Earth.
- One of my love languages is giving and receiving gifts. If I offer something to you, don’t doubt it comes from a place of deep appreciation.
- I started writing in a diary since I was 7 years old. I still do my best to write every day but do not feel awful if a few days pass without it. It is partly how I process. I have had this Mémoir idea since I was 23… When my daughters ask questions about my past, I often tell them “the answer is in one of my diaries… you will know once I’m dead” 😉
I love love love knowing more about you.
Misphonia, eh? That must be awful…
yea, it is not fun at all. And my own chewing is also hurting my nerves argh
and thank you <3
I’ve never heard of misophonia before i had to go look it up. I love knowing these things about you, you are remarkable!
I got my first tattoo at 14, my parents didn’t find out until I left home at 16.
How did your parents react when they found out about your tattoo? Do you regret it today?
You’re too kind with me <3
I, too, had to Google misophonia. I can’t imagine what that is like.
Love learning more about you.
How delightful to learn more about you!
Thank you <3
Misophonia is brutal. I loved learning more about you!
And I got my first tattoo at 17, I wanted it on my back, the guy said I was too skinny and refused to do it, so got it on my left arm. I really wanted my spirit animal at the time which was a mouse laughing and crying at the same time. But it became known as my “craptastic mouse” it was not how I envisioned it. My bio-mother didn’t know I had it until I was 19 forgot it was on my arm, and I was hot on a Summer day and took my sweater off! She was PISSED! ha!
You managed to keep a secret tattoo on your arm for two years, I applaud you! Do you wish to somehow cover it with a “better” tattoo now? Thank you for sharing with me.
I love knowing 10 more things about you.
Thank you so much Racel <3
I love personal lists and yours is delightful, Nolwenn. I love how your boyfriend proposed after 2 weeks of dating! So sweet. And that you’re still very much in love. I also had to look up misophonia. It sounds miserable. Thank you for sharing! <3
For most people, regarding plenty of our life decisions, we are “crazy”. But I do crazy so I don’t care :p Misophonia is hard and makes interactions difficult (like “do not say anything about how awful this sounds make you feel and how you just want to crawl out of your skin because of it”). Eating with outside noise like music or TV helps…
Yay! I’m so glad you did this, too! <3 I love it, and am so glad to get to know more about you.
Thank you so much Amy <3