Thank you for staying around when my life went downhill for a while. I was expecting it to happen, but maybe not as much as it did.

Today is April 1st and the lovely Effy is inviting us to dust off our blogs in doing another round of Blog Along with Effy.
Today is also the day my lesson is up in her year-long class Book Of Days. It’s not too late to join us! The community and love are absolutely fantastic, everyone cheers everyone and in the current times, it feels like honey on my heart.
I strayed a bit from my usual Nixies and went a completely different road in my journal for this. This is both scary and exciting at the same time 🙂
It’s almost 8 am here in BC and my brain is foggy. So to start this month-long project, I will just unload my brain a little, maybe it will help (you can read my previous Brain Dumps right here if you’d like). In no particular order..:
- Waking up around 5 am every morning makes the days seem way longer than they actually are. Good thing I AM a morning person…
- This college semester is nothing like the first one. I wake up, study, attend Zoom classes, study, think about the exams and projects, try to rally my different teams, study…….. It is overwhelming, to say the least.
- Moving across the country SUCKS.
- I can not wait to be in our home in two days. However, the idea of emptying the storage room where our entire life resides at the moment is not something I am looking forward to (note: my husband and I will have to do it all…).
- I am excited to set up my new creative space. We have not seen our new home in person yet so we are not sure about the actual room sizes. I hope to be pleasantly surprised and no the other way around.
- Huge relief: our daughters love their new school so far (they are in grade 8 and in grade 10).
- My Mom gets her vaccine in two weeks (she lives in France).
- Exhaustion and anxiety are deep today.
- Music and books keep me sane. This is the good side of not having a TV in our bedroom where we are temporarily staying.
Nolwenn, I missed your move! That’s exciting and nerve-wracking…across country. I hope your new place exceeds all your expectations. Good that your daughters are happy. I wonder where in BC. I lived in North Vancouver for 7 1/2 years many many moons ago. So beautiful. Wishing you all much happiness in your new home.
Thank you Sue <3 We are in the south suburb, within the Fraser Valley. We actually came back to the same city we were before leaving for Québec, just a different neighborhood 🙂
Moving is hard. Moving long distance, even harder. I can’t even begin to imagine what it is like to move in a pandemic.
I hope you are happily surprised with the space in your new home. May it be filled with years of much love and happiness.
I am both nervous and excited beyond measure to have our keys on Saturday. Thank you Lisa <3
I’m so glad you’re blogging again. <3
Hello! I am so glad to see you in the 30 day blogging challenge! Sending you lots of love and relaxing vibes for all the tough stuff going on. I can’t wait to hear about the new place when you get to see it in person.
I love this brain-damaged format.. its relaxed and gives us a good snapshot of where you are at.. might try this one day. I have a tendency to be very formal in my posts!!
Moving is hard! I’m hoping for a nice creative space for you.
Moving is rarely fun but having a creative space to look forward to is exciting!
Brain Dump! what a perfect way to put it! It’s certainly what it feels like sometimes.
Good luck with your move! It sounds daunting but a creative space is always a good thing!
Nolwenn, I am glad we are connecting again through this month of blogging with Effy. You certainly have a lot going on in your life! No wonder you need Brain Dumps. I do hope you have a pleasant surprise with room sizes. When do you move?