Welcome to this new Gratitude Friday! Feel free to share with me your (partial or full) gratitude moments in the comments; that way I can hold joy for you ✿ (you know that makes me happy to make you happy).
I’m writing this Gratitude Friday from my phone, in the car. We are on our way back from a few days north of Toronto, Ontario. Sunshine, hikes, game boards, rest… I guess the four of us needed this more than we thought.
This week, I am thankful for:
- Wizards Unite game, I’m too addicted though
- The possibility to take these few days off work
- Family time
- My girls did not fight *that* much
- A car comfy enough for road trips
- Hiking
- Finally having eaten at Momofuku Noodle bar and having tried some sweets from their Milk Bar
- Sleep