Hello again Earthlings…
Lately, something has been on my mind and I thought I would share it with you. In the past few months, my family has faced huge traumas that I won’t detail here and now. Things that we don’t have any control over except for how we react to them. And this shit is HARD. Feeling helpless in what can actually be done…
However, I want to take these events as a lesson for the future. Trust me, I used to be living by the mantra “everything happens for a reason“. But in hindsight, I now firmly believe that this statement is full of bullshit… I approach life differently now. As if the lens through which I see the world shifted somehow. If only we did not have to experience these to be able to change, but eh… it is what it is.
Even though this does NOT make these events okay, not even for a second. I will never find excuses for the poor behaviour of others. I realize that most people do not seem to think of the consequences of their actions. This truth pisses me out so much.
Bless their heart
It would be too easy to hate on people. Hate is as powerful as Love, isn’t it… Then again, takes a lot of energy. And what I do with my own energy is only up to me. I was furiously enraged after the said events. I could have hurt somebody, to be honest. Instead, I decided to direct my energy in other manners. We reached out to people who could help. I put my witchy hat on and took on my to do an entire energetic cleanse of our home (and ourselves).
I bless those who hurt me and/or my loved ones. Just a little prayer.
Okay okay… if nothing works, I do freeze them out. Yes, literally. Their names+water+ziploc bag in the back of the freezer. Works well 😉

I am doing my best to use this push from Effy to blog every day this month.
September is my birthday month and for once, I am tackling it differently.
I really hope you’ll find nuggets of interesting things in my words and in what I share. I love reading your comments.
Thank you for being here.