Desire. Feelings. Wants. This is at my core, it defines how I run my life, on the long run and on the everyday side.
I want to be one. One with my body. One with my soul.
I want to feel alive, thrilled.
I want to share my messages as far and as wide as they can reach.
I want to burn with creative fire.
I want to feel that passion in my body, washing everything away when he puts his hands on my face to kiss me gently but fiercely. I want to feel all warm and fuzzy, everyday.
I want fear to go away, she does not serve me anymore.
I want to be me. sexy. wild. quirky… me.
I want to be that stunning woman I see in my dreams. Standing tall and proudly. Fearless in a way. Owning who she is unapologetically.
I want to honour the Queen in me.
Note: this blogpost is part of a prompt from Hannah Marcotti ’s Sexy and Sanguine class.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Please.