Today, it’s not really a wish but Jamie asks us: What do you want to tell the World ?
It’s rushing in my head… I realize that finally I have a lot to say to the World (more than I thought). From the simplest things to more complicated ones.
Currently, I would particulary like to say to people: don’t worry about what others say and think about you because no one knows you better than you do. Follow your heart, go where ever it wants you to go; even if it seems weird, surreal, totally crazy. So what ?

Follow Your Heart, Art Journal June 2009
Listening to its heart is something more difficult that it seems, because we have to identify its particular voice. This little voice that is hidden behind Reason, Fear, Desire and all the other voices that are more or less there depending on the moment.
But when you have learned to recognize her, don’t be affraid anymore: follow her anywhere shed guides you…