I remember when I did an exercice I found in one of Anne-Marie Jobin book. It was about getting rid of our Fears. Personally, I prefer to treat one thing at a time. And for a beginning to work on my Fear of Success. And I also remember the reaction of my buddy Camille when I told her about it “but how can someone be affraid of success ???”.
Indeed, it can seem strange because everyone whishes to succeed. But I do am affraid of success.
The exercice I did in my journal was quite “simple” in theory: I wrote the word “success” in the middle of my page and then wrote around everything success inspires me, like in a simplified mind map. On the other page of the spread, I wrote “Desire of Success” and why I would love to be successful, what it would feel and bring in my life. And then, I took time to think about what came out and write about it.
Why do I fear Success ? Because of the responsabilities it implies, because I think I don’t deserve to be a successful woman, because others do better than me, because I also fear to become somebody else. I don’t forget the biggest one: Fear of Failure. Shhh I hate this fear. This fear prevents me to even try things I want to. What a waste ! It’s hard to go off this fear, it’s like being blind and finally being able to see the light.
And now, I am absolutely sure that this is this particular fear that explains why I stagnate professionally even if I know now what I want to do and what I want to share with the World.
I remember the amazing reading I had with Alice a few months ago, and she told me that yes I will succeed but there is a risk that I’ll become a little bit too much… over-confident and that it will be one of the big test the Universe may send to me. It would be another me, I don’t want it to exist. I do not want to be the one who thinks she’s better than the others.
So I keep that in top of my mind, without letting the fear come and control me.
My power word for 2010 is “Achievement”, so I have to work hard on my fear of success, because both fear of success and fear of failure go along with each other: I cannot achieve anything while I fear the consequences of success.
Do you fear success ? How did you manage to switch this negative feeling into something more positive ?
YOU DESERVE TO SUCCEED. I deserve it too.