How was your week going, Lovelies ? I hope Life gave you what you needed.
This week, I simply want to thank Life, and the Universe/Source/God/You_Name_It_As_You_Want. For making my life beautiful despite the rocks on my road, for putting so nice people on my way (strangers who give presents to my daughters “just because” are just an example). Thank you for offering us what we need to change our life and make it better for our family.
Thank you for my/our “supportive circle”, you know who you are and I’m so blessed to have you around me to keep me grounded, to cheering me.
Thank you to my Husband, he is the best for me and their is no word in the World that exists to describe our love; I just live it, feel it and appreciate it, no need to name it.
Thank you Jamie, for your everyday inspiration. You push me to dig deeper in me and to go further in my intention without even knowing it.
Thank you Alice, for your everyday blogposts and the time you take to chat with me.
Thank you Anne-Marie for your emails, they are always, always appreciated. One day, we’ll meet in real life, somewhere in Canada.
Thank you Wioleta, from Hay House, for her kindness. I am so happy and proud to be and Advanced Release Reader.
Thank you to you, who come here and share with me your Gratitude Friday, your thoughts about what I write.