Maybe 2019 will be the year I will consistently share bits of my life every month here. Maybe not. Who knows ? I don’t know if it is something you enjoy from me (do you?).

What are you listening to?

I am listening to a Charlotte Cardin on Google Play Music. Music is always playing in the background, no matter what I am actually doing. She is an artist from Québec who sings both in English and in French. Her voice has this something that makes me stop what I’m doing just to listen. She could sing about the weather, it would probably still be beautiful to hear… I often receive Oracle moments through random songs 😉
What are you currently wearing?

A leggin because I did my workout this morning and did not change out of it, and an orange oversized hoodie. I decided to just be comfortable today. If we did not have a needy dog that asks to go outside 4 times a day, trust me that would spend more time in pj’s all-day every day 😉 (taking advantage of working from home).
When I was a teen, my best friend’s go-to look was slim pants with an oversized sweater and for some reason, this past week is how I wanted to dress. And honoring the comeback of my hoops hearing, just because they make me feel good. I hate what I see in the mirror so I am back at better eating and daily workouts. Why tomorrow when it can be now, right?
What have you recently bought?
A few new clothes, it was a Christmas present from my husband. I found a leather jacket that I can’t wait to be able to wear (not the best when it is -18ºC outside). I am doing my best to stop my spending in 2019 as much as possible and only go for what is fully needed (yes, it means no more art supply for a while…).
What are you reading?

I am reading this book way too slowly for my own taste. The story is intriguing and I want to know what will happen next to the characters. However, I am not 200% captivated by the story…
Do you know the Pop Sugar reading challenge? It’s a list of prompt for books to read during the year. It helps me to look for books that would probably not have grabbed my attention otherwise.
I have reached my goal of reading 60 books in 2018, which makes me very happy! You can read more about it on my previous blogpost 😉