Welcome to this new Gratitude Friday! Feel free to share with me your (partial or full) gratitude moments in the comments; that way I can hold joy for you ✿ (you know that makes me happy to make you happy).
I have to admit that even though it is not chronic, I often have a bit of an issue with change. This is not change itself that creates anxiety, but the unknown.
See, my Husband just started a new job. After a bit over 9 years working for Electronic Arts, first in Vancouver then here in Montréal, he decided to take a different route. And I applaud him for it, because it is not easy to go from what you comfortably know to something else.
This week, I am thankful for:
- Our plumbery issues are now fixed
- This week’s adjustment did not go as bad as I thought it would
- I ate lunch every day (which I tend to skip when alone)
- Walking with my daughter to her school in the morning
- Waking up earlier, it feels good
- My Mom’s clean health report for her breast cancer (now going on the last year before she’s officially in remission)
- My fanart painting of Billie Eilish being finally released
- Heat
- Daily journaling
- Making progress on the lotus painting that will go in our “Chill Out” room, completing a wall of Lotus paintings we started
Wow Nolwenn, your husband worked for Electronic Arts! I love Electronic Arts via Pogo.com I even talked with one of their support men recently to get my games back. I wish him success in his new venture and of course change can be daunting.
I am thankful I had a full day yesterday with no aches or pains in my body.
I have a free day to do what I want except for meals.
I found some drawings I did back in the 60s and surprised myself by them. I didn’t realize how good my sketches were.
I am thankful the 90 degree heat is easing up and it will be cooler.
I am thankful I read this blog and hope you have a good week.
I love your list!
I am very happy that you had great customer service on pogo.com 🙂
Maybe you could re-work some of these older sketches and see where they take you. Could be fun to compare what 50 years make as a difference 😀
That is so cool that he worked for EA!!! My S.O. worked for Sony for a few years, now he works for Nintendo. It’s always a great conversation starter when someone asks “what do you do for a living”. Wishing your hubby much success on his new adventure.
I agree, change is never easy no matter what it is or how it comes about.
Wonderful news about your mom!!
I love the lotus flower. I wish I could draw one, but it never comes out quite right. I really liked that stencil you used in the one video. I need to find something like that.
It’s a very great conversation started for sure!
Stencils are amazing 😀 I own several lotus stencils because each artist/brand draws them differently so I have access to different styles. I love drawing them, too. I start from the middle petal and go from there. It’s never perfect but I am actually okay with that.
I love your gratitude posts!
I am grateful for better health, with enough energy to actually read and respond to blog posts after being bedridden almost a month
I am grateful for the help I had when I was sick
I am grateful for the warmth that I missed coming in while I was sick
I am grateful for life.
I am grateful that you are feeling better, a month of being bedridden is really long.
Thank you for sharing with me <3
Nolwenn recently posted…Gratitude Friday 2019/05/31, thank you change